
The repository that contains all solutions made for the course Competitive Programming and Contests by the University of Pisa

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Alternative Thinking

Solved Solution Time :clock11:
:heavy_check_mark: Greedy Algorithm 31 ms

Solution or Solution discussion

The intuition to resolve this problem is to think about the easy way to flip a substring, we can imagine the string 1010 the result of this string is the 4. We can reduce the general problem to a sub-problem that consist into fine the continue element in position i and in position i - 1, and count how many continues element are inside the string. In conclusion, we can calculate how many different element are inside the array with the simple subtraction size_string - element_equals + 2, and as result return the minimum element between the size of the string and the result of subtraction.

This reduction problem use a greedy algorithm, because start from a general problem that is the longest alternating subsequence inside the string to find the continues elements inside the substring.