
The repository that contains all solutions made for the course Competitive Programming and Contests by the University of Pisa

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Minimum number of jumps

Solved Solution Time :clock11:
:heavy_check_mark: Dynamic Programming O(N^2) 1.26 secs
:heavy_check_mark: Dunamic Programming O(N) 0.24 secs

Solution or Solution discussion

Solution O(N^2)

The solution in O(N^2) with dynamic programming consist in to use two additional array, one called jumps and one called from_pos with the same dimension of the original array, but with the only difference in the jumps array that is the init elemes, in other words the elements are inizialized to INT32_MIN.

The solution consist to iterate over the original array and check if the input[i] > inputs[j] + 1, if it is true, a set in position jumps[i] = jums[j] + 1 and in position from_pos[i] = j

Optimized O(N^2) solution

The solution proposed before is not enough to pass all the test for the online judge for this reason the solution proposed to pass all the test is a linear solution, that use two local variable max_reach and steps to memorize the status in this variable and use the inputs array to make the decision. In this case the solution is to find the maximum elemnt in the input array from the previous max reach and the new that is calculate with the formula i + inputs[i]. During the exectuion we memorize also the number of steps. When this steps are 0 we count one more jump.

The solution has time complexity O(N) and space complexity O(1) because no extra space is needed.