
The repository that contains all solutions made for the course Competitive Programming and Contests by the University of Pisa

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Next larger element

Type Solved Benchmark :clock11:
geeksforgeeks (Stack sol) :heavy_check_mark: 0.63 ??
naive :heavy_check_mark: 108669830 ns *
Based on stack :heavy_check_mark: 68048218 ns *

Naive Solution

The naive solution use to for loops to iterate over the input array and return the element in position i if the following condition is verified < The time complexity is O(N ^ 2) and the space complexity is O(N)

Stack solution

The solution on stack use a simple trick over the stack characteristic to keep track of non-contiguous decreasing sequences of elements, when a new element is found all the element < of the actual new element is extracted from the stack and punt inside the result array, The time complexity of the solution is O(N) and also the space complexity is O(N)