
The repository that contains all solutions made for the course Competitive Programming and Contests by the University of Pisa

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Solved Solution Time :clock11:
:construction: Naive 3 for look XXXX ms
:construction: Segment Tree XXXX ms
:construction: Single Fenwick Tree XXXX ms
:heavy_check_mark: Double Fenwick Tree XXXX ms

Solution or Solution discussion

We now that the size of the segment is N and all items are inside the range [0 - N], so wit this assertion we can use to start the remapping of the element with a Fenwick Tree.

Solution in time O(n^2) and space O(n)

I use the fenwick tree to make a preprocessing, in fact with the fenwick tree we mantains the tracking of the each value, to do this operation we perform the operation on Fenwick tree fenwick_tree.update(inputs[i], 1) this action is implemented inside the help method precompute.

After the precompute operation we need to make a double for loop and check when we are able to find the element input[i] < input[j] when we are able to find it we can make the sum inside the fenwick tree that look like count += (fenwick_tree.sum(inputs.size()) - fenwick_tree.sum(inputs[j]));. You can see this solution implemented inside the procedure call count_triplets_precomputing_bit.

Solution in time O(n log n) and space O(n) ?? TRUE?

This solution use two Fenwick tree to maintain the prefix and the suffix (smaller element and greater element), where the fenwick tree that contains the greater element was precompute with the procedure described in the solution with time O(n ^ 2),

The counting operation was performed with the following logic

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
        auto smallest_elements = fenwick_smallest.sum(inputs[i] - 1);
        auto greatest_elements = fenwick_greater.sum(inputs.size()) - fenwick_greater.sum(inputs[i]);
        count += (smallest_elements * greatest_elements);
        fenwick_smallest.update(inputs[i], 1);
        fenwick_greater.update(inputs[i], -1);