Async Main and Test initiative

project group status: active project group documentation

Welcome to the repository for the Async on Main and Test Initiative! This is the repository we use to organise our work. Please refer to our charter as well as our github pages website for more information on our goals and current scope.

Current status

The following table lists of the stages of an initiative, along with links to the artifacts that will be produced by the start of that stage.

Feature complete💤


  • ✅ -- phase complete
  • 🦀 -- phase in progress
  • 💤 -- phase not started yet

How Can I Get Involved?

If you'd like to participate be sure to check out any of our open issues on this repository.

We also participate on async-wg zulip steam, feel free to introduce yourself over there and ask us any questions you have.

Building Documentation

This repository is also an mdbook project. You can view and build it using the following command.


"Async Main and Test" Charter


This working group is focused around implementing and design one of the last steps to make the async-wg vision real. In particular, we are focusing to find a way to be able to have an async main, and tests out of the box without need a third party library.


"Async Main and Test" Experiment Planning and Result

fn main() {
/// waiting resolution experiment goal
async fn experiment(&mut self) {


At the moment there is no specific meeting, but you can start a stream on Async WG Zulip Stream and/or join to the async-wg meetings.

In addition, you can ping me on Zulip! you can find me with the nickname Vincenzo Palazzo (vincenzopalazzo)!

RFC drafts

fn main() {
/// waiting resolution rfc goal
async fn rfc(&mut self) {