
The repository that contains all solutions made for the course Competitive Programming and Contests by the University of Pisa

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This repository contains the solution to the problems proposed at the Course of Competitive Programming by the University of Pisa.

Table of Content


Each solution is provided with a battery of unit tests and a code structure under the src directory that looks like the following tree:

Some solutions are provided with different implementations (where is present or covered by the developer) with complete benchmarks developed with Google benchmark. The result is stored inside a JSON or a CVS file called result and the machine where there are running has the following characteristic.

Some of these benchmarks have a complete discussion with the Jupiter Notebook, see the last column of the tables below.

If you want to run the benchmark on your own computer and your computer is a personal computer, in some cases you need to disable some machine setting, but you can follow this answer on StackOverflow (If you are using a linux machine)

Built with

All the solutions are developed with C++ STD, and also with a couple of external tools reported below:

Problems with a briefly discussion about them

Name Solved Repository Report
Leaders in array :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Kadane’s algorithm :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Missing number in array :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Trapping rain water :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Sliding window maximum :heavy_check_mark: Code Class Report
Next larger element :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Towers :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Finding Team Member :heavy_check_mark: Code _
The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Inversion count :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Two Types of Spells :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Frogs and Mosquitoes :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Maximum path sum :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Longest k Good Segment :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Ilya and Queries :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Number of ways :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Little girl and maximum sum :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Update the array :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Nested segments (also segment tree) 3/3 :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Pashmak and Parmida’s problem :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Circular RMQ :heavy_check_mark: Code Benchmarks
Triplets :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Smaller Values 1/3 :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Powerful array :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Tree and queries :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Longest common subsequence :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Minimum number of jumps :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Subset sum 4/4 :heavy_check_mark: Code _
0-1 knapsack :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Longest increasing subsequence :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Longest bitonic subsequence :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Edit distance :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Vertex cover :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Longest palindromic subsequence :heavy_check_mark: Code _
N meetings in one room :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Magic numbers :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Wilbur and array :heavy_check_mark: Code _
Alternativ e thinking :heavy_check_mark: Code _

Segment Tree report

During the Courses is developed also a small paper to introduce the Segment tree by Examples. “Segment Tree: A Complete Introduction by Examples”

Report Experiments

Name Solved Repository Report
RMQ :heavy_check_mark: Code Benchmarks
Circular RMQ :heavy_check_mark: Code Benchmarks
Kth Zero :heavy_check_mark: Code _
MKTHNUM :heavy_check_mark: Code Benchmarks
Range Updates and Sums :construction: Code _


Name Solved Repository
DQUERY :heavy_check_mark: Code
FibonacciNum :heavy_check_mark: Code
ClotestValueOnBST :construction: Code
TwoNumberSum :heavy_check_mark: Code

Google kikstart 2020

Name Solved Repository
Allocation :heavy_check_mark: Code
Plates :construction: Code

How to build the solutions

Each solution contains a complete test unit developed with a Test tool developed ad-hock as a “Copy and Paste” code, and to build the project to run the test the following commands are required

>> mkdir build && cd build
>> cmake .. && make
>> ./NameSolution

One possible output is reported below

|------------ TEST TEST_CASE_ONE_SEGMENT_TREE -------------------|
|------------ TEST TEST_CASE_ONE_LAZY_SEGMENT_TREE -------------------|
|------------ TEST TEST_CASE_TWO_LAZY_SEGMENT_TREE -------------------|
|------------ TEST TEST_CASE_THREE_LAZY_SEGMENT_TREE -------------------|

How to contribute

The repository is open to receive a contribution to improving solutions or the quality of the repository, there are only a few rules to respect that are reported below.


all the professor of the class Competitive Programming and Contest

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Vincenzo Palazzo and

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.